1993 Ford Tempo battery dead and some kind of electrical draw

  • 1993 FORD TEMPO
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 89,124 MILES
1993 Ford Tempo GL mileage: 89,124 Battery went dead this morning. Disconnected alt. But still draining juice from somewhere. When you touch the battery terminals to the post, it sparks. This just happened all the sudden. Start car every day, and it has never had a problem

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011 AT 8:25 PM

1 Reply

  • 4,540 POSTS
Here is the procedure we use to isolate a battery drain. Remove negative battery cable from the battery. Using a 12-volt test light, hook one end to the negative battery post the other end to the negative battery cable you just disconnected. The test light will glow or “light” if there is a drain. If the “light or glow” is faint, that is probably normal draw for the clock or computer. If the “light or glow” is bright, then there is a large drain. That should be corrected. Now start removing and replacing the fuses one by one until the light goes out; that one will be the circuit with the drain. Remember to hold in the button in the door jam for the interior lights.
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Tuesday, January 25th, 2011 AT 8:29 PM

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