Took her to the dealer. They ran checks, said it might be corrosion in the fuse box under the hood. They replaced the box, the F1 fuse and gave her back to me. Ran fine for a month and did the same thing again to my wife. Towed her back to the dealer. They did another check. Said the fuel pump and filter were fine. Said they couldn't find the problem, they gave her back. She ran fine for a while but she cut out again last week. Had her towed AGAIN. But when she got to the dealership she started on their lot.[Of course!] They ran checks and took her out on the highway, kept her for 4 days and said they STILL could not find the problem. But said to drive her and hope that it was just a" bug" that would pass or "make itself more obvious". Looked at me like they were suspecting I was crazy.
That was last weekend.I drove her home and then all weekend. More than 300 kms. She ran fine. And I thought all was solved. Nope!
Monday afternoon she would not start and still won't start. She cranks but will not fire up. Before I get her back to the mechanics again. Can you tell me what YOU think the problem could be?
Thank You for the time and service!
Friday, April 8th, 2011 AT 9:11 AM