1991 GMC Van seems to be electrical

  • 1991 GMC VAN
  • 180,000 MILES
Hard start when it does start seems to idle very erotic fuel spray from tbi not constant kind of drips then starts to die if I give it gas to keep it running it will some times take gas and sometimes not I have no service engine light when I turn key on so I can't pull codes have replaced entire distributer plugs wires cap rotor wires set timing with advance disabled Im lost
Monday, August 12th, 2013 AT 8:55 AM

1 Reply

  • 16,098 POSTS
If you think it is a fuel issue, use a gage and check fuel pressure. If the injectors are just dripping, maybe a clogged fuel injector?

I've seen fuel issues With TBI, that if you crank it enough, you might get enough gas in there that it might start, but, will run poorly and may die. I'm not sure of engine litre size, With TBI around 10 psi. 5 psi won't run a v8, in my opinion.

If the mil won't work, I use a scanner that will show live engine data. I look at fuel trims or the 02 sensor signal to see if the vehicle is running lean?
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Monday, August 12th, 2013 AT 9:32 AM

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