How do you clear trouble codes on a car (with a OBD1, ALDL Connector). I have 1991 Chevy Lumina 3.1L V6 Engine that was giving me a Code 32 (ERG Valve). I replaced the Digital EGR. No problem for about 1 1/2 weeks, then the Code 32 starting coming back again. I then returned the Digital EGR Valve and picked up another one and installed it. One week later the Code 32 is back ago. Please help, Thank You.
Replied on January 31, 2012
Clean out the EGR ports thoroughly and test the EGR valve
Clearing code: Disconnect the battery for 20 secs
Answered by rasmataz (expert)
60,365 answers provided
Replied on January 31, 2012
On the schematic, it say TEST LIGHT CONNECTED TO BATTERY VOLTAGE. Does this mean that you hook the test light to the + Post of the battery or does this mean you can hook the test light to any hot wire on the engine? Thank You.
Response from Pilotbill
Wednesday, February 1st, 2012 AT 4:47 PM