Engine compression

  • 1990 FORD F-250
  • 178,000 MILES
I have a 4x4 1990 Ford F-250 XL. I can start the truck when the engine is cold,
but after driving it for a few minutes if I shut the truck off it won't restart.
The truck won't turn over and pulls the battery down. I have had the battery
tested and it is good.

Also, I have a thirty minute drive to work. About halfway through the trip smoke
starts filling up the cab. I have noticed that the problem is coming from oil
being pumped out of the dipstick leaking down on the exhaust. I was told at my
local autoparts store to replace my PCV valve, which I did, but the problem
hasn't been resolved. They said that my problem was compression building up in
my engine. I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice.


Jim Kraus

Saturday, December 25th, 2010 AT 1:27 AM

1 Reply

  • 11,005 POSTS
I do not know your vehicle well.

Insure your PCV system is hooked up correctly. This would include the "Make-Up Air" (that is, make sure the way it gets fresh air into the crankcase is not capped or crimped off, this too, is part of the system)

Do a Compression test, its possible that you have damaged or broken rings. This is not a EZ--routine fix.

Good luck!

Let me know what you find.

The Medic
Was this
Saturday, December 25th, 2010 AT 3:21 AM

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