Will not start, starter solenoid location

  • 1989 OLDSMOBILE 88
  • 155,631 MILES
So last night I fell asleep in the car with it running when I got home and woke up to it smoking really bad. I turned it off immediately and let it cool down all day before I touched it at all. Now it will not turn over. All the lights and such turn on and there is no clicking or anything, you can hear something purring and that is it. No click or anything. Think it is the starter solenoid. Where is it located so I can try to jump it? (Also, car is in very good shape)
Saturday, October 27th, 2018 AT 8:46 PM

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  • 109,959 POSTS
Hi and thanks for using 2CarPros. Com.

That is actually a scary story. Thank goodness nothing started burning while you were asleep.

Regardless, when you saw the smoke, did it have an electrical smell or was the engine over heating?

As far as the starter solenoid, it is located on the starter. I have attached a picture of how it is located on the starter. The starter itself is on the front side of the engine about the same height as where the oil pan attaches to the engine block. Here is a link that discusses a starter and how it works. It has several pictures which you may find beneficial.

Let me know if this helps.

Take care,
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Sunday, October 28th, 2018 AT 8:18 PM

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