Sunday, November 27th, 2011 AT 9:05 PM
I have a 1988 GMC Vandura 2500 5.7 ltr V8. Here's my story: The van was slowly acting weird, strange idle, lack of power. I tried to leave a parking lot on Thanksgiving, and it just died and wouldn't start back up. I thought I had bad gas or something and had to get it towed. I put in Lucas gas treatment and put higher octane gas in it (about half a tank) and it seemed to be better. Now it's idling erratically again. Up real high then down real low and wants to die. Back and forth, up and down. I have to give it gas to keep from dying when the idle drops. What could it be? I saw a section on here about a vacuum leak causing a whistling sound. I have noticed the past month of a whistle sound that was not there before. Please help me, I already had to be towed on Thanksgiving and I'm very poor right now.