Which diagram are you looking for? The header says wipers but the code you put in is for a transmission control relay code. Also do you have an early production version with a TCM and a PCM or the later version with the PCM only? Both versions get the power for the relay contacts from fuse 9 through a black wire to pin 6 of the relay. The power for the control side differs though. On the early version it comes from pin 15 on the TCM through a light green wire to pin 4 on the relay. On the late production it comes to pin 4 of the relay on a light green wire but from pin 15 on the PCM. It also sounds more like the wire has a bad connection which would be common for Chrysler.
First two are the early production, second two are the late production.
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Tuesday, May 25th, 2021 AT 4:09 PM