While the parts would fit it's very doubtful that you could get the hub and bearing apart without damaging the bearing. They are not a bolt together item on that car. There is a bearing and the hub. I have never had a bearing come out in one piece on them. You remove the wheel, brake caliper and rotor. Then you have to remove the retainer clip but usually you can't access it as the hub is in the way, then you remove the hub. 99% of the time that is done with a slide hammer. The inner bearing race generally fails, and you end up with a bad bearing. Then you remove the rest of the bearing from the knuckle and the race off the hub.
This video can show you the process, it's a newer Accord but yours are essentially the same design.
You would be farther ahead to just buy the new bearings and do them. As I said, I've never seen one came apart in one usable piece.
Image (Click to make bigger)
Monday, December 30th, 2024 AT 2:05 AM