IP can stand for a few things. For example, instrument panel, ignition primary, and so on. If you smell a sulfur smell, don't drive it until we figure this out. The catalytic converter may be getting damaged.
Are the only things working the starter motor (to start it) and the horn? Is this a hybrid vehicle? Have you checked fuses under the hood and under the dash?
If the brake lights aren't working, that is why you can't shift out of the park. The park lock actuator is powered by the brake light switch. Let's start there. Since it is running bad, there is likely more to it, but I need to know if there is a loss of power to the SJB.
The brake light fuse is in the smart junction box (SJB) to the right of the center console. See pic 1 below. Check fuse 2 in that box (see pic 2). It is for the brake lights. In addition to checking the fuse, confirm it is getting power. Here is a link to help:
Let me know.
See pics below.
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Friday, August 13th, 2021 AT 10:45 PM