Need to know exactly what they checked. The voltages you listed all say the charging voltage is too low. Minimum should be 13.75 to 14.75 volts. Doing that test with a digital voltmeter only means it is okay to perform the rest of the tests, but that requires a professional load tester. Specifically, we want to see the "full-load output current test". A 150-amp generator is the standard one regardless of engine size and optional equipment. The full-load output test will result in a reading of 0 amps, close to 50 amps, or close to 150 amps.
Obviously 0 amps is not good, but that would have shown up regardless what kind of test was performed. Professional testers will also measure "ripple voltage". If one of the six internal diodes has failed, the most any AC generator will develop is exactly one-third of its maximum rating. Ripple voltage will also be shown as "high". With a failed diode, you will still get some charging current, but not enough under all conditions. The voltage depends on how the voltage regulator is designed. Some will run the generator too hard and system voltage will be a little too high. Some interpret the high spots in the ripple voltage as over-charging, so they reduce output. This is where you'll see charging voltage is higher than battery voltage, which it should be, but not high enough.
Wednesday, May 5th, 2021 AT 6:22 PM