I've had my Jetta since April last year in Texas, and needless to say, the previous owner did not take care of it. About 6 months after having the car, the engine mounts on the driver side broke and the engine dropped on the left side while I was backing out of a parking spot. About 3 months after I got that replaced I noticed the familiar clicking noise of a bad cv joint, so I took it in. The mechanic told me there was a slight tear in the boot (which probably occured when the engine dropped). He quoted me for more than I could pay at the time, so I just continued driving on it. Since then, I have driven to Kansas, and made many trips to Kansas City, MO and Colorado Springs. Recently, I have been getting the tell-tale vibrations of a bad cv joint/half shaft. My concern is, how much longer will it last, and what will happen when it fails? I am in the Army and will be deploying in December, and I will be getting rid of the car when I get back, I just need to know if it will last me a couple more trips to KS City (about 5 hours round trip@ 65-70 MPH). The wobbles start at about 40 MPH and get unbearable around 70 MPh while accelerating but dissipate when coasting.
Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 AT 10:25 PM