I've had this a few weeks and have taken it to a dealer but they were unable to recreate my issue. I took the shop manager for a drive and again, it really wasn't doing it that day.
From a complete stop, I sometimes get a bit of hesitation from my vehicle when applying light to medium throttle. It's different than turbo lag for sure.
It shows itself more so at lows speeds such as 10-30 mph. Let's say that I'm travelling at a steady 25 mph and am applying low throttle to maintain that speed. The car will sometimes hesitate and jerk just enough to be annoying. Passengers say they feel it.
At higher speeds 35+ and on the freeway, I don't see these issues occurring and the car rides just fine. I also am getting a bit less mpg around 21-24 mpg with 70%+ of my driving being highway.
I used the initial tank of gas to rule out condensation or water (the car sat on the lot for about 8 months). I just filled up with 93 Octane and have about a half tank left.
Any ideas that I can use to get Ford to properly diagnose this issue? Very frustrating.
Sunday, July 19th, 2020 AT 9:52 AM