Turn signals do not work?

  • 1991 ISUZU RODEO
  • 3.1L
  • 6 CYL
  • 4WD
  • 300,000 MILES
I try to turn it on, lights do not flash or go on. I hear the flasher clicking but no lights. Left side went out first and a few weeks later the right side stopped working. The emergency flashers do work.
Wednesday, December 21st, 2022 AT 2:09 AM

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  • 109,867 POSTS

First, the power supply for the signals and the hazards are two separate sources. I suspect a fuse isn't the issue, but anything is possible.

When you turn the signals on, does anything light up? I ask because if nothing does and you hear a clicking, my first suspect is the flasher has failed. The switch is what completes the circuit, but the flasher is what provides the power to the lights.

Take a look at the schematic below. I wanted to include it, so you had a reference. First, check fuse 7 in the interior fuse box under the dash. In addition to checking the fuse, confirm there is power to and from it.

Here is a link you may find helpfu:.


If that is good, then we need to go to the flasher output which is a brown wire. I need you to check if that wire is getting power when you hear the clicking. If there is no power out, replace the flasher. If there is, suspect the turn signal switch has failed.

To confirm the switch is the issue, you will need to check the power out wires from the switch. One of the wires is green with a white tracer and the other is green with a black tracer. Again, with power on and the signal actuated, check for power to the corresponding wire color based on signal direction. If there is no power, replace the switch. If there is, then either every light burned out at the same time LOL or we have a wiring issue.

Let me know what you find or if you have other questions.

Take care,


See pics below.
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Wednesday, December 21st, 2022 AT 9:45 PM

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