that is not a normal condition for any vehicle. if the pedal is going nearly to the floor, but you can pump it up and get a solid pedal, first confirm there are no leaks under the vehicle. check brake lines and at each wheel. if the brake master cylinder is full and it still happens, chances are the brake master cylinder is bad.
take a look through this link:
what actually is this. the plungers in the master cylinder begin to harden or wear. as a result, brake fluid can bypass them. the result is the pedal going to the floor.
if you decide to replace the master cylinder, here is a link that shows in general how it is done:
you will need to bench bleed the new master cylinder. here is a video showing how to do it:
here are the directions specific to your vehicle. the attached pics correlate with the directions.
2009 toyota corolla l4-1.8l (2zr-fe)
brake master cylinder - removal [12/2007 - ]
vehicle brakes and traction control hydraulic system brake master cylinder service and repair removal and replacement brake master cylinder - removal [12/2007 - ]
brake master cylinder - removal [12/2007 - ]
brake system (other): brake master cylinder: removal; 2009 my corolla [12/2007 - ]
make sure to release the vacuum from the brake booster before removing the master cylinder from the brake booster.
remove no. 2 cylinder head cover (for 2zr-fe) [ 2zr-fe engine mechanical: engine assembly: removal+ ]
remove air cleaner cap sub-assembly (for 2zr-fe) [ 2zr-fe engine control: throttle body: removal+ ]
remove air cleaner case (for 2zr-fe) [ 2zr-fe engine mechanical: engine assembly: removal+ ]
remove no. 1 engine cover sub-assembly (for 2az-fe) [ 2az-fe engine mechanical: engine assembly: removal+ ]
remove air cleaner cap sub-assembly with hose (for 2az-fe) [ 2az-fe engine control: throttle body: removal+ ]
remove air cleaner case (for 2az-fe) [ 2az-fe engine mechanical: engine assembly: removal+ ]
remove front wiper arm head cap [ wiper / washer: front wiper motor: removal+ ]
remove front wiper arm and blade assembly lh [ wiper / washer: front wiper motor: removal+ ]
remove front wiper arm and blade assembly rh [ wiper / washer: front wiper motor: removal+ ]
remove hood to cowl top seal [ wiper / washer: front wiper motor: removal+ ]
remove center no. 1 cowl top ventilator louver [ wiper / washer: front wiper motor: removal+ ]
remove cowl top ventilator louver lh [ wiper / washer: front wiper motor: removal+ ]
remove windshield wiper motor and link assembly [ wiper / washer: front wiper motor: removal+ ]
remove outer cowl top panel (for tmc made)
disengage the clamp and bend the water guard plate rh as shown in the illustration.
pic 1
disengage the clamp.
pic 2
remove the 12 bolts and outer cowl top panel.
remove outer cowl top panel (except tmc made)
disengage the clamp and bend the water guard plate rh as shown in the illustration.
pic 3
disengage the clamp and bend the no. 1 heater air duct splash shield seal.
pic 4
disengage the clamp.
pic 5
remove the 12 bolts and outer cowl top panel.
remove suspension tower damper assembly (w/ front strut bar) [ front suspension: front strut bar: removal+ ]
drain brake fluid
disconnect clutch tube (for manual transaxle)
move the clip and disconnect the clutch tube.
pic 6
remove brake master cylinder sub-assembly
disconnect the connector and disengage the clamp.
pic 7
using a union nut wrench (10 mm), disconnect the 4 brake lines from the brake master cylinder sub-assembly.
pic 8
remove the 2 nuts, brake tube way and brake master cylinder sub-assembly.
pic 9
the master cylinder requires careful handling. do not allow the master cylinder to receive any impact, such as from being dropped. do not reuse a master cylinder that has been dropped.
do not strike or pinch the master cylinder piston, and do not cause any damage to the master cylinder piston by any other means.
make sure to release the vacuum from the brake booster before removing the master cylinder from the brake booster.
when installing the master cylinder to the brake booster, or when removing the master cylinder from the brake booster, make sure that the master cylinder is kept horizontal or its tip faces downward (the piston faces upward) to prevent the master cylinder piston from falling off.
do not allow any foreign objects to contaminate the master cylinder piston. if a foreign object gets on the piston, remove it by using a piece of cloth and then apply an even layer of lithium soap base glycol grease around the circumference (sliding part) of the piston.
do not use any other type of grease or fluid.
remove the o-ring from the brake master cylinder sub-assembly.
2009 toyota corolla l4-1.8l (2zr-fe)
brake master cylinder - installation [12/2007 - ]
vehicle brakes and traction control hydraulic system brake master cylinder service and repair removal and replacement brake master cylinder - installation [12/2007 - ]
brake master cylinder - installation [12/2007 - ]
brake system (other): brake master cylinder: installation; 2009 my corolla [12/2007 - ]
inspect and adjust brake booster push rod [ brake system (other): brake master cylinder: inspection+ ]
install brake master cylinder sub-assembly
install a new o-ring to the brake master cylinder sub-assembly.
install the brake master cylinder sub-assembly and brake tube way to the brake booster assembly with the 2 nuts.
pic 10
torque : 13 nm (132 kgf-cm, 10 ft-lbf)
the master cylinder requires careful handling. do not allow the master cylinder to receive any impact, such as from being dropped. do not reuse a master cylinder that has been dropped.
do not strike or pinch the master cylinder piston, and do not cause any damage to the master cylinder piston by any other means.
when installing the master cylinder to the brake booster, or when removing the master cylinder from the brake booster, make sure that the master cylinder is kept horizontal or its tip faces downward (the piston faces upward) to prevent the master cylinder piston from falling off.
do not allow any foreign objects to contaminate the master cylinder piston. if a foreign object gets on the piston, remove it by using a piece of cloth and then apply an even layer of lithium soap base glycol grease around the circumference (sliding part) of the piston.
do not use any other type of grease or fluid.
using a union nut wrench (10 mm), connect the 4 brake lines to the brake master cylinder sub-assembly.
pic 11
torque : 15 nm (155 kgf-cm, 11 ft-lbf)
torque : 14 nm (143 kgf-cm, 10 ft-lbf)
use a torque wrench with a fulcrum length of 250 mm (9.84 in.).
this torque value is effective when the union nut wrench is parallel to the torque wrench.
engage the clamp and connect the connector.
pic 12
connect clutch tube (for manual transaxle)
connect the clutch tube to the brake master cylinder reservoir assembly with the clip.
pic 13
fill reservoir with brake fluid [ brake system (other): brake fluid: replacement+ ]
bleed clutch line (for c59) [ clutch: clutch system (for c59): bleeding+ ]
bleed clutch line (for e351) [ clutch: clutch system (for e351): bleeding+ ]
bleed brake master cylinder [ brake system (other): brake fluid: bleeding+ ]
bleed brake line [ brake system (other): brake fluid: replacement+ ]
bleed brake actuator (w/ vsc) [ brake system (other): brake fluid: bleeding+ ]
inspect for brake fluid leak
inspect fluid level [ brake system (other): brake fluid: on-vehicle inspection+ ]
install suspension tower damper assembly (w/ front strut bar) [ front suspension: front strut bar: installation+ ]
install outer cowl top panel (for tmc made)
install the outer cowl top panel with the 12 bolts.
pic 14
torque : 8.8 nm (90 kgf-cm, 78 in-lbf)
engage the clamp.
bend the water guard plate rh as shown in the illustration and engage the clamp.
pic 15
install outer cowl top panel (except tmc made)
install the outer cowl top panel with the 12 bolts.
pic 16
torque : 8.8 nm (90 kgf-cm, 78 in-lbf)
engage the clamp.
bend the water guard plate rh as shown in the illustration, and engage the clamp.
pic 17
bend the no. 1 heater air duct splash shield seal as shown in the illustration, and engage the clamp.
pic 18
install windshield wiper motor and link assembly [ wiper / washer: front wiper motor: installation+ ]
install cowl top ventilator louver lh [ wiper / washer: front wiper motor: installation+ ]
install center no. 1 cowl top ventilator louver [ wiper / washer: front wiper motor: installation+ ]
install hood to cowl top seal [ wiper / washer: front wiper motor: installation+ ]
install front wiper arm and blade assembly rh [ wiper / washer: front wiper motor: installation+ ]
install front wiper arm and blade assembly lh [ wiper / washer: front wiper motor: installation+ ]
install front wiper arm head cap [ wiper / washer: front wiper motor: installation+ ]
install air cleaner case (for 2zr-fe) [ 2zr-fe engine mechanical: engine assembly: installation+ ]
install air cleaner cap sub-assembly (for 2zr-fe) [ 2zr-fe engine control: throttle body: installation+ ]
install no. 2 cylinder head cover (for 2zr-fe) [ 2zr-fe engine mechanical: engine assembly: installation+ ]
install air cleaner case (for 2az-fe) [ 2az-fe engine mechanical: engine assembly: installation+ ]
install air cleaner cap sub-assembly with hose (for 2az-fe) [ 2az-fe engine control: throttle body: installation+ ]
install no. 1 engine cover sub-assembly (for 2az-fe) [ 2az-fe engine mechanical: engine assembly: installation+ ]
Check out the diagrams (Below). Let us know what happens and please upload pictures or videos of the problem.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Monday, March 29th, 2021 AT 10:55 AM