Just a couple of questions so I know I understand and can better assist you. First is your car a CE, LE, or S model?
Next, please go to Auto Zone or O'Reilly's and for free they can pull the codes to the car. Most important. Once they check your codes, if they find something and you don't get it fixed and need to get back with us, please make sure you tell us exactly what the code was, number and all. Example, if the code was E0568 O2 Sensor bad. Then make sure you give us all of that. While there for free also they can bring their tester out and check your battery, alternator and starter.
So if I understand you correctly, when you are inside the car, you turn the AC on and the fan on - you get air but it is not cold air it is warm?
Is the air always warm or, when you are driving down the road the air gets cold and then when you come to a stop it starts blowing warm again? If you are not sure on this please take it for a road test, check this and let me know.
Last you said you put 12 volts right to the compressor and the clutch engaged, was this with the car running or just putting 12 volts to the compressor?
Please do the above and let me know the results so we can better assist you.
Sunday, November 9th, 2008 AT 9:09 PM