If that is a fairly loud single clunk each time you turn the ignition switch to "crank", that is typical of worn solenoid contacts. They are normally replaced when a starter is rebuilt but the contact disc on the plunger can cause that too. Very often those do not get replaced. You can verify that by checking for voltage at two places with a test light while a helper turns the ignition switch. Measure on the large terminal on the starter. There should be full battery voltage there before the ignition switch is turned, and normally it will be dimmer, but not out, during cranking.
Next, measure on the other large bolt across from that first one where the 1" braided cable is attached. It will usually be under a soft rubber gray cover. There should be no voltage there until the ignition switch is turned, then the light should be fairly bright. If it is not, the contacts are bad.
If the test light goes out completely on the first terminal when your helper turns the ignition switch, you have a dead battery or loose or dirty battery cables.
Thursday, November 2nd, 2017 AT 10:36 AM