I have a 1994 camry and I have noticed over the past 4-5 days, only in early morning, the car is very sluggish when moving from rest. Today it took almost a minute before the car started moving in Drive. Once it gets going, everything is fine for the day.
Took it to a transmission place where they took a look and said that the transmission fludi is leaking in many places and I should reseal the transmission. My car was almost 2 quarts short, so they filled that much. I have also noticed that the coolant is leaking, so probably need to do that also. My question is:
1. Is it recommended to reseal for my car that is now almost 14 years old?
2. Does it make sense to just have them rebuild the transmission?
3. Could the coolant loss be causing any of the sluggishness in the mornings?
Thursday, January 22nd, 2009 AT 12:10 PM