Hello! My name is Wendy and I own a 92 Toyota 4 runner. Let me first say that "yes" i have taken my truck to mechanics( a few of them) and they kept my truck a couple of days and when returned it was the same way, nothing changed. A couple of them said they could NOT figure it out and a couple of them claimed they did fix it and charged me a few hundred dollars for the non existing repairs. Yes I tried to argue with them but I lost. One guy told me he wasn't gonna give me a receipt because he gave me a discount. So when i tried to take it back they acted like they did not even know me! Anyways sorry just trying to give you a feel of my frustration. Here is what I HAVE done to my truck in the last yr. replaced heads, water pump, timing belt, spark plugs, radiator, fuel filter, battery, fuel injector sensor and random hoses. 5 yrs ago I put in a rebuilt transmission. Ok here is my problem that NOBODY can figure out.......After my heads were replaced (winter last yr.) my truck ran but not as well as it did before, it made an still makes a whine noise , which is not my pwr steering pump, had that checked.The reason I told you it was winter is because the COLD makes a difference in my truck starting. Along with this whine, my truck has a VERY difficult time starting Only on the FIRST start. That is why the list of things I have done to my truck is so long..trying to eliminate..:) OK when I would go out in the morning to start my truck I will turn the key on and hold it all the way on then pump the gas peddle to the floor with a bit of force and quickness. When my truck reaches 1000 rpm I will let go of the key BUT keep my foot on the gas peddle to the floor an hold it there so it will rev up one time. Then I let up on the gas and with my foot lightly on the gas keep my truck idling at 1000rpm . Now after I have my foot lightly on the gas peddle without applying any more pressure, my truck will rev up on it's own like it is a delayed reaction. Ok after all that after a few minutes i will take my foot off the gas and see if it will stay on by itself. Sometimes yes sometimes no. Now I do all of that in the summer time when it is hot. In the winter, it's even harder to get to 1000rpm , then I have to let it run for about 15 min, til it is warm before i can drive it. If i let it sit over night in the winter it WILL NOT start at all even with a jump off. I had to run a heater on top of the engine to get it goin which took forever! So I decided to start my truck and warm it up EVERY 5 hrs, ALL day and ALL night, so that I knew I would be able to get to work. Boy was it a looong winter! It's getting closer to winter now and I don't know what to do! I don't want to get ripped off again! I'm a widowed mother of 2, I bought the toyota manual and do whatever repairs i can myself. (except for the heads and timing belt) Another worry I have now is that my truck is sounding more rough than it normally does. It's a new sound and today I found out that when I put it in reverse and slowly backed up about a block, really slow because it sounded horrible and it kept trying to bog out on me. The sound I think is coming from the passenger side, towards the front by my pwr steering pump. I was thinking maybe a pulley? I watched them while my truck ran an there was no wobbling and the belts are tight with no damage. I hope you can help me.....................I AM VERY WORRIED! this IS my only form of transport right now! I live down south , where that oil spill happened , so it will still be hot for a few more months and I have to figure this out by then! Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Friday, September 24th, 2010 AT 7:56 PM