All Honda engines are interference engines except the 3.0L and the 3.6L V6 engines.
As far as the timing belt is concerned, it should be replaced if it hasn't been at this point. The water pump, in most cases, is replaced at the same time simply to eliminate the need to take things apart again. The water pump is driven by the timing belt on this engine.
As far as directions are concerned, let me know what you are looking to do, and I'll be happy to get you the directions. Also, note that the tensioners should be replaced at the same time as well. The idea behind the pump and tensioners is preventative maintenance. First, you don't want a tensioner to fail and allow the belt to jump time (Interference engine) and you don't want to have to remove the belt again to replace the water pump.
Just to show you why the pump is replaced, I attached a pic below. Note step 1.
Let me know.
See pic below.
Image (Click to make bigger)
Saturday, May 25th, 2024 AT 7:23 PM