Problem two - one year ago- sound for indicators and seat belt stopped suddenly
Problem three - last month - has trouble changing gears between second to third and maybe first to second when accelerating slowly. It’s not all the time and if you accelerate quickly it’s fine. You’ll be driving and then all the sudden the revs will spike up. I’m not 100% sure if it’s not changing gears or it’s slipping but either way seems strange that it only happens when accelerating slowly. To fix it, you have to switch to triptronic and then back to auto and it goes into the right gear. When this started happening the Electronic Stability might also came on. It’s since gone but came up a few times.
This light did come on in the past before the battery was replaced and a new battery seemed to fix it.
Just noticed this week as well that the brake lights are only working when the headlights are turns on. When off, there’s no lights at all. The tailgate light also seems to be lit up all the time (unless car is off) but the middle bulbs only come on when breaking, so only partially lit up.
The CAM belt has not been replaced, due in another 10,000 kms. Transmission fluid has not been changed and can’t access it to check myself. There’s no other warnings or alerts on car except the ESC but only recent and gone now.
I’m asking as it’s my only vehicle and have four children and very little excess cash. The local mechanic is notorious for bringing up non issues to make more money. So, just want to be prepared to have a good convo around what needs to be done and feel someone educated around options.
I’m so scared there’s something seriously wrong, I’m hoping it’s the brake light switch and maybe just some faulty fuses/relays or something simple.
Planning to get cam belt done but could the transmission issues described also bd a sign of the CAM belt wearing?
Thursday, June 22nd, 2023 AT 3:00 AM