Temperature gauge suddenly stopped working

  • 3.8L
  • V6
  • FWD
  • 147,000 MILES
Temperature gauge suddenly stopped working on commute home. Gauge moves slightly when car is started, but does not move after that. Fan squealed when car was started a couple of times before this happened, and each time I had to turn the car off and back on three times before it stopped. Fan also continues to run for a few minutes after the car is turned off. Sensor in the radiator went a few years ago, but due to the age of the car, it was not worth replacing the radiator to fix it. I keep an eye on engine Temperature gauge daily, and regularly check coolant reservoir. Engine has not been overheating at all.

first question, how do I get this fixed?

second question, can I still drive the car to work and home (110 km) until I can arrange to drop it off at a mechanic? Kind of need to be at work tomorrow, so I am sort of up the creek.
Thursday, December 29th, 2016 AT 6:10 PM

1 Reply

  • 30,869 POSTS
That should have a single belt on that engine most likely you have a failing serpentine belt tensor. If it's stealing that much the belt tensor could fail at anytime and leave you stranded or cause a overheating condition. The coolant temp sensor should be screwed into engine in that engine not the radiator. Sounds like a bad coolant temp sensor or a rodent might have chewed the wires etc. You wouldn't know if the engine was overheating with the temp gauge inop while you were driving.
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Sunday, January 1st, 2017 AT 2:48 AM

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