2003 Subaru Outback 4 cyl All Wheel Drive 70,000 miles
I took my Subaru to have the oil changed last week. I drove it right at 3 miles, heard an odd noise and pulled over. I checked the dipstick - no oil! Had it towed back. The oil change guys admit they failed to put new oil in - about 1 cup drained out of the engine back at the shop. Their insurance is paying for repair.
Car is now at a Subaru dealer service department. The technician there says only the right side of the engine lost compression and cracked the head. They are doing extensive work on that side. However, he says the other side has compression in the normal range and does not need repair.
This is not making sense to me. I'm concerned that there is in fact damage that will show up down the road, when I won't be able to get it taken care of by the insurance.
Is it possible there is no damage to one set of cylinders, etc?
Wednesday, April 1st, 2009 AT 12:25 AM