2003 Subaru Outback Engine died

  • 6 CYL
  • AWD
  • 110,000 MILES

I am stationed overseas in the Air Force (Germany).
About 2 months ago my Subaru suddenly stalled on me while going up a moderately steep hill and could not get it started after that. Had it towed to the nearest Auto Repair shop on one of the Air Force bases over here. Due to lack of test equipment/tools they were unable to find the problem. I had it towed to a local German Subaru repair shop and after several days of troubleshooting they determined that the engine had very little compression in 2 of 3 cylinders they checked. At this point they informed me they wanted to pull the entire engine out to further troubleshoot, but informed me they suspected the engine was bad. Rather than pay alot more for labor and then in the end have to buy a new engine, I decided to go ahead and purchase a used engine from the States. The engine arrived and I had it installed, but it did not fix the problem. It is still in the exact same condition. Pretty much everything has been checked to include the ignition system, timing, battery, and compression.I think there is a fuel problem, however the fuel pump is good. Don't know if the fuel pressure is sufficient or not. Do you have any suggestion as to what the problem could be? At this point I am willing to try anything.I have spent nearly $5,000 at this point between parts and towing. Please help! Thank you!
Tuesday, January 27th, 2009 AT 8:37 AM

1 Reply

  • 110,055 POSTS
first you don't loose compression that fast unless it is a head gasket problem. So I question if the original engine was bad. Next, do you know what the fuel pressure is? Has anyone checked the regulator?

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Saturday, February 28th, 2009 AT 2:49 PM

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