There is a re-learn procedure you must do to make the key fob work again. Here is the registration process below, and I have included the key fob test as well.
Immobilizer Key Registration
- The HDS is required for registration of the immobilizer keys.
- Programming the immobilizer also programs the keyless transmitter.
- Check for aftermarket electrical equipment that can cause problems with transponder operation.
- The immobilizer-keyless control unit can store up to six immobilizer keys.
Add One New Key/Keyless Transmitter
1. Have a registered key, a new immobilizer key, and the first password from the iN system.
2. Connect the HDS to the data link connector (DLC).
3. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
4. Select IMMOBI from the SYSTEM SELECT menu, then select IMMOBILIZER SETUP.
5. Select Add and Delete keys, then Add 1 key.
6. Do the registration according to the instructions on the HDS screen.
7. Check if the engine can be started with the newly registered key check that the door locks operate using the immobilizer key transmitter.
8. When prompted by the HDS, do the keyless transmitter programming.
Add and Delete Keys/Keyless Transmitters, Then Select Delete or Add keys
1. Have all registered keys, all new keys, and the first password from the iN system.
2. Connect the HDS to the data link connector (DLC).
3. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
4. Select IMMOBI from the SYSTEM SELECT menu, then select IMMOBILIZER SETUP.
5. Select Add and Delete Keys, or Delete or Add Multiple Keys.
6. Do the registration according to the instructions on the HDS screen.
7. Check if the engine can be started with all the registered keys check that the door locks operate using the immobilizer key transmitter.
8. When prompted by the HDS, do the keyless transmitter programming.
All Keys are Lost
1. Prepare all new keys and have the immobilizer ECM/PCM code.
2. Connect the HDS to the data link connector (DLC).
3. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
4. Select IMMOBI from the SYSTEM SELECT menu, then select IMMOBILIZER SETUP.
5. Select Add and Delete keys, then All keys lost.
6. Do the registration according to the instructions on the HDS screen.
7. Check if the engine can be started using all the registered keys, and check that the door locks operate using the immobilizer key transmitter.
8. When prompted by the HDS, do the keyless transmitter programming.
Keyless Entry Transmitter Test
- If the doors unlock or lock with the transmitter, but the LED on the transmitter does not come on, the LED is faulty; replace the transmitter.
- If any door or the tailgate is open, you cannot lock the doors with the transmitter.
- If you unlocked the doors or the tailgate with the transmitter, but do not open any of the doors within 30 seconds, the doors relock automatically.
- The doors do not lock or unlock with the transmitter if the ignition key is inserted in the ignition switch.
With HDS
1. Press the transmitter lock or unlock button at least 10 times to reset the transmitter.
- If the locks work, the transmitter is OK.
- If any of the transmitter buttons do not work, replace the transmitter, then do the transmitter programming See: Alarm System Transmitter > Programming and Relearning > Immobilizer Key Registration.
- If the locks don't work, go to step 2.
2. Connect the HDS to the data link connector(DLC).
4. Follow the screen prompts to check each button operation.
NOTE: The door lock actuators may or may not cycle when receiving input from the transmitter.
- If KEYLESS ENTRY TRANSMITTER CODE WAS RECEIVED is indicated, the transmitter is OK.
- If DIFFERENT KEYLESS ENTRY TRANSMITTER CODE WAS RECEIVED is indicated, the transmitter is working but not registered to the vehicle. If necessary, reprogram and register the transmitter See: Alarm System Transmitter > Programming and Relearning > Immobilizer Key Registration.
5. Open the transmitter and check for water damage.
- If you find any water damage, replace the transmitter, then register the new transmitter.
Let me know what happens please.
Monday, August 29th, 2022 AT 1:57 PM