I would certainly appreciate any ideas! As a retired body-man, I know enough to handle collision related mechanics, and I build my engines for my older cars trucks and bikes. This thing is simply over my head. So, the first start after replacing starter was normal but took quite a while for pressure to kick in. (As long as I’ve owned it, this has never happened, but there has always been chatter from the top end.) Once it built pressure, it idled smoothly and sounded fine. Then a strange “grinding or crunching” cane up and then “ding”, then “check gauges” in the info center, followed by a total loss of pressure at the gauge, followed by audible loss of pressure. I tried a few more times, before giving up. The grinding sound comes in after about 10 seconds of smooth, quiet idle. After this sound stops it’s a matter 2-3 seconds before pressure loss. I’m stumped.
Tuesday, August 6th, 2019 AT 8:25 PM