Cranks no start after battery was disconnected

  • 3.4L
  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 160,000 MILES
I have been driving this car daily for the last week with no issues. I took it to a body shop this morning to have the front bumper cover readjusted to fit the fenders and hood properly. They disconnected the battery because they did not want to activate the airbags by accident. Once they had everything back together the car would not start. It turns over but it is like there is no gas or something. They said it would stay running as long as they sprayed starting fluid in the intake plenum but on its own it would not continue running.
Is it the security system causing this due to the front end repair work or the battery being disconnected? I notice the security light stays on solid all the time, no blinking, no going off, just on always.

I tried the eleven minute, thirty seconds, three times routine but to no avail. Now what?

Thanks for whatever advice you might have.
Thursday, May 10th, 2018 AT 3:08 PM

1 Reply

  • 110,037 POSTS
Hi and thanks for using 2CarPros. Com. The security/immobilizer should set a trouble code which will require scanning to determine. Here are the general steps for reprogramming the system:

Using the ignition key, turn the ignition on. Do not start the vehicle.

Clear all trouble codes and then remove the scanner.

Just bump the key so the engine cranks for a split second, but do not start the vehicle. Allow key to return to the run position.

The security may flash and then turn solid. This may last up to fifteen minutes.

When the security lamp turns off, turn the key to the "off" position, and wait ten seconds.

Again, turn the key to the Run position. The light may flash for a few seconds, then again turn solid. It will remain on for up to fifteen minutes.

Turn the key off and wait another ten seconds.

Turn the key to the run position. Again, the light may flash but then will turn solid for up to fifteen minutes. When it turns off this time, turn the key off and wait thirty seconds.

Finally, turn the key to the run position for a couple seconds, and then you can start it. I know this sounds crazy, but it is the relearn process. I feel the problem may have happened as a result of the battery being disconnected for an extended period of time.

It this does not work, you will need to scan the computer to identify trouble codes. I have attached a flow chart that may be helpful for you. The following numbers refer to the steps listed on the charts I attached. Additionally, it indicates what specific trouble codes are being caused by.

2) Lack of communication may be due to a partial malfunction of the class 2 serial data circuit or due to a total malfunction of the class 2 serial data circuit. The specified procedure will determine the particular condition.
3) The symptoms list in symptoms will determine the correct diagnostic procedure to use.
4) The presence of DTCs which begin with "U" indicate some other module is not communicating. The specified procedure will compile all the available information before tests are performed.
5) The presence of DTC P0601, P0602, P0603, P0604, P0606 or P1621 indicates an internal fault in the powertrain control module (PCM).
6) The presence of DTC B1007 or B1009 indicates an internal module fault.

I hope this helps.

Take care,
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Friday, May 11th, 2018 AT 7:11 PM

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