There is no such thing. The engine computer is a complete system that looks at many sensor readings to determine fuel metering calculations.
There is different LeBaron models and they use quite different engine sizes and systems. The most common is the 4-door sedan with the 3.0L engine. The engine computers in those caused extremely few problems.
What I would be looking for first is a dragging brake. With that, you'll need to push further on the accelerator pedal to keep moving. That will ruin the fuel mileage, but the increased throttle is misinterpreted by the transmission, or by the transmission computer, as hard acceleration and the need to delay the up-shift points.
Stop on a slight incline, shift to neutral, release the brakes, then see if the car creeps down hill on its own. If it does not, we will need to look at the brakes.
Sunday, August 12th, 2018 AT 10:19 PM