Hi Alex,
It looks like your idle should be at 700 RPM with no load. This means park or N.
Also, it looks like all the dealer did is run the relearn procedure which you can do as well if you like. I attached a video that explains how to do it.
If your issue presents itself while in gear, this would be considered under load. This is normal to have the idle drop while under load but if it is shaking the vehicle and it didn't do this before, I would question if something else is wrong.
There could be an issue with an engine mount or something along those lines but if the dealer has a way to raise the idle while in gear, I would request they do this. Based on the steps of this relearn procedure, they did not actually set the idle. The vehicle learns the pedal position and throttle plate position and then the computer sets the idle. This is not like the old days where they can move the distributor or idle adjustment screw on a carburetor and adjust it. This is set electronically.
The question you need to ask the dealer that did this is, can you set or raise the idle while in gear? I don't not see a procedure for this so my guess will be no.
Last thing I would suspect is that the idle air control actuator is the issue. Either dirty or faulty. Normally, these are called an IAC but in your vehicle it appears this is called an Intake Manifold Runner Control Valve Motor. If this is dirty then when the ECM is commanding the position, it is actually not open enough because it is dirty and it restricts air flow. This is something you want to them to clean with an induction cleaning procedure just to ensure its not the issue.
Let me know what you find and we can go from there. Thanks
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Friday, April 26th, 2019 AT 2:57 PM