Replace transmission fluid in 2009 Hyundai Accent or no?

  • 30,000 MILES
In recent oil change, mechanic said to change tranny fluid as it getting dirty but that it wasn't urgent to replace, can still keep going for a bit.

I had wanted to get it changed that same day, but no time from mechanics at shop so I would have to go back another day and haven't gone back yet.

For whatever reason, I was researching online and found mentions of times where it may be better not to replace tranny fluid even though old as it has worn down well with the transmission & swapping it with new fluid makes it a different environment and could cause problems instead. And it applied to new and/or old cars, I forget exactly.

So for this particular car, should I change the fluid or not? It's at close to 30,000 miles. When I checked it, it didn't look pitch black dirty, but then again I'm not a mechanic to know exact dirty level coloring.

I don't think car's had tranny fluid changed since bought from dealer, so it's been a few years now.
Wednesday, November 6th, 2013 AT 4:48 PM

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  • 110,053 POSTS
You are fine. The theory of not changing it when it is very dirty deals with older vehicles with much higher mileage. What they say is that when the fluid gets very dirty and burnt, new fluid cleans off the clutches and causes the transmission to slip. Please keep in mind, I'm sure that may have happened, but does not happen all the time.

I always recommend servicing the transmission around 30K miles, so you are there. Will it hurt anything if you drive it a little longer? NO. When you inspect your fluid, clean trans fluid is a pinkish red color. It turns brown when it is dirty. Honestly, you should be fine. Just get it in when you get the money and the time.

Let me know if you have other questions.

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Wednesday, November 6th, 2013 AT 6:03 PM

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