The puddle could be from a hole rusted through the floor pan but that usually does not happen so soon. Another possibility, especially if you park the car outside, is that the weep holes in the air vent box are clogged. The air vent box takes in fresh air and the intake is just in front of the windshield. Water is directed around a raised air vent to get into the car and then drains out the weep holes on either side behind the fender well. If the holes get clogged the raised air vent gets overflowed and water will come out from under the dash on the passenger side. To check the holes you have to pull off the inner fender well and see if you can access them that way and clean them out. I would try spraying water into the fresh air intake and see what comes out in the car as a test.
As far as the power steering I am giving you a diagnostic walk through. Just use the link below;
Friday, August 30th, 2013 AT 7:14 PM