Problem shifting light says pressure problem

  • 2003 SATURN VUE
  • 2WD
  • 180,000 MILES
I have researched this topic and I believe I may have a problem with my 2003 Saturn VUE's transmission line pressure control solenoid because a lot of people described the same issues I am experiencing and stated that when they replaced this part, it fixed the part. However, I would like a professional's opinion. My VUE has a hard time shifting, especially into reverse it makes a loud knocking sound. It has a light that says pressure. Also, it seems to not shift at all into drive on occasion, but it always starts up, and when it doesn't shift it is often when it is colder weather (this may be coincidence but it happens more when it's colder). First, I tried to order the part from a dealership and they stated that the part doesn't exist only solenoid valves but not a pressure line, which I believe is incorrect. Also, how much does replacing a pressure line control solenoid usually cost in labor? Is there anyone located in CA near the inland empire who would like to do this job for me? Any ideas, comments, thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 AT 12:07 PM

5 Replies

  • 30,869 POSTS
With all the symptoms you listed thats not a line pressure control solenoid. Iam a factory trained saturn tech so iam really familiar with these.I need to know the exact code numbers not code descriptions you have? Also do you have a 4 cylinder or v6 engine? Can you take a picture of that light and post it to this question for me? Let me know and I will do the best to help you I can. If you have a 4 cylinder engine then your transmission is done toast.
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Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 AT 1:07 PM
  • 3 POSTS
I have a V6, and it runs fine most of the time, only once in a while the shift locks up and the vue will start but it will not shift into gear. Then, the day after it will be fine. I have researched this topic and found a lot of people said they had similar issues and it was the pressure control solenoid, and once they replaced it, the problems went away. This is why I wanted to start with this repair to see if it works for me. However, I cannot find one of these for the life of me. My GM dealer says they have 3 solenoids in the area but none are called pressure control they are called: #1 reverse to first shift solenoid, #2 1223 reverse shift solenoid #3 the other says reverse valve solenoid, and another person at a different GM said there are 5 different ones all located inside the valve body. I am simply trying to know the proper name or part number for the transmission pressure control solenoid on the Saturn vue 2003 automatic V6. In addition, any other information or ideas would be useful as well. Thank you so much for all of your assistance, it is greatly appreciated.
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Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 AT 4:30 PM
  • 3 POSTS
Also, code is P0962. I would take a picture of the light it says reduced pressure, but it is not on now as it only happens when the car wont shift. Right now it is okay but I cannot drive it because at any moment it might just decide not to shift.
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Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 AT 4:44 PM
  • 30,869 POSTS
Are you sure the light doesnt say reduced performance? I have never seen a reduced pressure light on those vues. If the reduced performance light is coming on there is a problem in the throttle by wire system. That will cause it to not shift retard the timing you wont go anywhere real fast. Pretty common on those.
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Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 AT 6:33 PM
  • 30,869 POSTS
They only used those transmissions in the 2002-2003 v6 vues and only the vue no other car line. Then in 2004 they switched to the v6 Honda engine and Honda transmission.I have never had to make a repair to the actual transmission on those v6 2002-2003 vues. Plenty of repairs to the 4cyl automatic transmissions those were a piece of junk. From what I see I don't see the pressure control solenoid available.I posted what happens when the code sets it goes to full line pressure and shifts to 5th gear and stays there.I see the whole valve body that's expensive.
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Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 AT 7:35 PM

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