I have a 1998 pontiac grand prix se with a 3.1 L engine. I was driving the yesterday for about 20 minutes and went to park my car but forgot something then I turned it back on and my ABS and TCS ligts came on and I don't know why. Over the past two monts 3 times I have felt the car hesitating and it sound like my throthle position sensor but this rearly happens, also I do not feel a difference in hydraulic pressure when pressing on the brake pedal. I have never had any probles with this vehicle. It's an OBD II and a four-channel ABS system. When this light came on I was currently tightneing my torion bar because the car was making a squealing noise that sounded like it came from the pulleys this was the advice I got from a mechanic.
Any ideas, why my ABS light stays on solid, if you could please send me an advice to jarewhit@yahoo. Com if possible Thanx, if not plz replay to this
Saturday, April 15th, 2006 AT 1:22 PM