From the top
Remove hood and cover fenders.
Depressurize fuel system.
Remove negative battery cable.
Using Engine Support (J-28467-A), support engine.
Disconnect fuel lines from fuel rail.
Disconnect air intake duct.
Drain cooling system.
Disconnect radiator and heater hoses.
Remove engine cooling fan.
Raise and support vehicle.
Disconnect electrical connections and vacuum hoses.
Disconnect cables and bracket at throttle body.
Remove drive belt.
Remove power steering pump and position aside.
Remove upper transaxle-to-engine bolts.
Raise and support vehicle.
Disconnect A/C compressor (if equipped) and position aside.
Remove engine mount and torque strut.
Remove flexplate cover.
Match mark flexplate to torque converter for reassembly reference.
Remove flexplate-to-torque converter bolts.
Remove lower transaxle-to-engine bolts.
One bolt is located between transaxle case and engine block and is installed in opposite direction.
Lower vehicle. Using engine lift, remove engine.
Wednesday, October 13th, 2010 AT 9:14 PM