Disconnect the negative battery cable, unbolt / unplug the two wires from the starter, remove the two or three bolts, pull the starter out and put the new one in.
When the bolts are most of the way in, wiggle the starter to be sure it's seated squarely. If it's off-center or not properly seated, the mounting ears can be cracked off when the bolts are tightened.
Don't get carried away when tightening the cables. The large bolt is made of soft copper and will snap off easily. If used, the smaller bolt is just that, ... Small.
Never pound on a battery cable when putting it back on the battery as it will damage the lead connector inside the case. If it doesn't go on easily, use a special pliers to enlarge the cable connector.
The final step is to relearn minimum throttle since the memory will have been lost in the engine computer. Drive at highway speed with the engine warmed up, then coast for at least seven seconds without touching the brake or gas pedals. Until you do that, idle speed will be too low and the engine is likely to stall, (or not start), unless you hold the gas pedal down about 1/4".
Saturday, January 16th, 2010 AT 4:24 AM