I am still having issues with my '99 PA rear defrost. I have replaced antenna module and have power all the way across the grid but it still won't work. (In face my rear glass was just replaced due to a crack so I know the grid is fine) I stopped in my local GM garage and talked to service tech Bob (who is 67 yrs. Old and has been working on cars since he was 12!) Who had originally diagnosed problem as faulty module. When I explained that I tested the grid he asked if the grids tested the same all the way across. As you move further from the electrical source. I told him that my test light was equally bright all the way across, top to bottom. He said if that is the case I then have a ground problem because the light should get dimmer as you test and move further from the electric source. I'm not an EE so I wasn't sure what to make of this. Bob said I need to check the ground for the grid but I don't know where that is. I'm perplexed - I now I have power, the back window is brand new and the antenna module if fine. Any insights would be GREATLY appreciated - thanks in advance!
Saturday, December 13th, 2014 AT 6:14 AM