Code P2097 after front end collision

  • 2017 HONDA CIVIC
  • 1.5L
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 32,000 MILES
120 miles after front end collision got p2097. It was a direct hit to the lower left and side of the car if looking at it. It took out the fog light, the plastic cover, broke the intercooler pipe and radiator damaging the coolant temperature sensor and plug. After lots of Googling did not find much information besides 101 different part/sensor possibilities that could cause the code. On forums found people with similar issues that took Honda engineers to figure out. So, we tried checking the intercooler pipe gaskets for proper installation. Checked flanged ends to proper connection. Looked for potential blockage in piping. Couldn't look too well into turbo but stuck fingers in to check about three inches. Checked engine air intake for blockage. Through Google searching, I found possibilities that the wire harness leading from CTS sensor to PCM/ECM could have a short that could throw the o2 sensor. Tested voltage and found 5 volts at plug.

This accident was at a very low speed. My car hit a car with a tow hitch with a back rack. Was a perfect isolated hit to my car. I keep wanting to believe this should be simple.
Sunday, July 10th, 2022 AT 8:52 AM

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  • 110,037 POSTS

How is the vehicle running? The code is related to a rich fuel mixture, so I have a couple of questions. Do you have a live data scan tool? If you do, I need the following information.

1) What are the short-term fuel trims at operating temperature?

2) Check the engine coolant temperature sensor signal to see if it seems accurate.

3) Was any damage done to the exhaust system?

4) Have you verified the air/fuel sensor is within voltage specs?

5) Is this the only code that is showing up and if you delete it, does it come right back?

6) Have you inspected all plastics related to the air intake and the hoses related to the bypass control solenoid?

Let me know. If you haven't checked the bypass solenoid, put a vacuum pump on it and see if it holds a vacuum. See pic below

Take care,


See pic below.
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Sunday, July 10th, 2022 AT 9:28 PM

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