Chances are you have a spark plug wire or spark plug needing replaced. Here are directions for checking the condition of the wires and spark plugs:
2003 Hyundai Sonata V6-2.7L
Inspection and Cleaning
Vehicle Powertrain Management Ignition System Ignition Cable Service and Repair Procedures Inspection and Cleaning
1. Disconnect the spark plug cable from the spark plug.
NOTE: Pull on the spark plug cable boot when removing the sparkplug cable, not the cable, as it may be damaged.
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2. Using spark plug wrench, remove all of the spark plugs from the cylinder head.
NOTE: Take care not to allow contaminants to enter through the spark plug holes.
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3. Check spark plugs for the following:
1. Broken insulator
2. Worn electrode
3. Carbon deposits
4. Damaged or broken gasket
5. Condition of the porcelain insulator at the tip of the spark plug
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4. Check the spark plug gap using a wire gap gauge, and adjust if necessary.
Standard value
Spark plug gap: 1.0 - 1.1 mm (0.039 - 0.043 in.)
5. Re-insert the spark plug and tighten to the specified torque. If it is overtorqued, damaged to the threaded portion of cylinder head may result.
Tightening torque
Spark plug: 20 - 30 Nm (204 - 306 kg.cm, 15 - 21 lb.ft)
NOTE: When replacing spark plugs, use any equivalent resistance type spark plugs.
Here are the spark plug wiring routing directions.
2003 Hyundai Sonata V6-2.7L
Installation of Spark Plug Cable
Vehicle Powertrain Management Ignition System Ignition Cable Service and Repair Procedures Installation of Spark Plug Cable
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Improper arrangement of spark plug cables will induce voltage between the cables, causing misfiring and surging at acceleration in high-speed operation.
Therefore, be careful to arrange the spark plug cables properly as shown in the illustration.
Here is a link that shows in general how a tune up is performed.
Now there are other things that can cause a misfire such as fuel pressure, low compression, timing issues and so on. However, since you only have the one code, this is where I would start. If you haven't tuned it up in a long time, it would be a good preventative maintenance thing to do.
Let me know if this helps or if you have other questions.
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Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 AT 6:22 PM