Heres my problem, a week ago I noticed the car was taking a little bit longer to start but not enough to wory about. Three days ago the car while slowing down to a stop started to run realy rough and hesitate while I hit the gas. I would do this a little spuraticaly then and now it runs rough all the time. It stalled once while ideling and feels like it wants to constantly. The car has never presented a code either. The exhaust smells but is relatively clear.
When I changed the fuel filter and then started the car I was surprised that the car started as quickly as it did( since the filter and lines were empty) so I am assubing the pump/sender unit is fine.
I am capable of fixing most issues but I am laking specialty tools and knowledge for diagnosing problem.
What else can it be? Can dirty injectors cause it to suddenly start running rough?
ps. With a screw driver to each injector I can here them operating.
I am on a tight budget and realy relly on the car so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Update, Today I added a bottle of gas anti freeze and last night I checked the wires and plugs. This morning I took the car out for a run and it was still rough, it ran for about 15 min stalled once and got me home. About an hour later I took it out again, this time it ran fine for about 10 minutes, I put it in park then back into drive and I am back to a rough drive and idol.
As per Ras's responce what vacume lines should I be checking, what I can see seem fine. The egr is one with 3 solenoids, how can I test it?
Sunday, March 4th, 2007 AT 5:35 PM