1991 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme. 6 cyl. Enngine. It's got about 154k miles. This was my fathers car he bought brand new in 1991 and handed down to me recently. YAY. Right? My Uncle worked at a Dealership so every OUNCE of work was performed from an Olds dealer on it. I realize that doesn't negate any issues from arising, but it's been babied. Honestly, and maybe that helps the diagnosis a LITTLE.
Driving down the road at about 45mph on Sunday and the car just died. All lights on the dash were on when I looked down as if I turned the key forward without starting the car. I popped it in Neutral and started it and put it back in gear and off I went.
Then it did it a couple more times at 30 - 50 mph. Never at a stop, although it's increasingly idled 'rougher' than I think it should.
So after several times of this happening on Sunday I finally got her home. I parked it for a bit, and went inside, came back out and it would NOT start. Turned over fine, just wouldn't start. Finally it would start, but died right out again. After fiddling trying to start it, I finally got it started and thinking maybe some really bad gas was the culprit. I put HEET in it (I know I know). Ran like a champ again. I ran the gas down till 2 light bars were left.
Today I got gas from a different gas station and put STP gas treatment in it (I know I know). Got on the Interstate and on the same ramp (coincidence I'm sure) it died out on me again. Same thing. Started right back, and didn't do it again all the way home this time.
I was thinking fuel filter or maybe fuel pump? Talked to my Dad and he said he had the fuel filter replaced a few times through normal routine maintenence on this car and suggested this site in particular :)
He was RELIGOUS about the maintenance on this vehicle, he really was! I know alot of times people don't do something until it ABSOLUTELY NEEDS it, and he was the complete opposite with his olds. He did it by the dealers recommendations because his brother was the foreman at the dealer.
Wish he still worked there :(
Any thoughts would be appreciated! Sorry about the book!
Tuesday, April 10th, 2007 AT 11:09 PM