It's a 1996 sierra cutlass olds, 95000 miles. It started stalling out at light. We replaced the MAP sensor. It was fine for a few months. Then it started stalling again. Tested the battery and it was bad. We replaced it. It has been fine for a week or two. Now it is hesitating, almost stalling out whilke driving. It is fine while idling now. It just cuts out sometimes while driving, and almost all the time while in reverse. The charge light sometimes flickers and sometimes stays on. I am at a loss. I have no access to testing tools, or tools at all. I'm a 22 year old girl with only enough car knowledge to change my oil, and maybe my tire. PLEASE HELP!
1. Make and Model of your car- OLDSMOBILE SIERRA CUTLASS 1996 3.1 LITER V6
2. Current odometer reading (approx)- 95000
3. Stick Shift or Automatic Transmission- AUTOMATIC
4. Strange sounds or smells (if any)- NONE
5. Fluid leaks (if any)-COOLANT LEAK
6. Past repair history (if applicable)-FUEL PUMP, FILTER, TIRES, MAP SENSOR, BATTERY ALL REPLACED.
Thursday, October 25th, 2007 AT 7:37 PM