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The actual pump is on the front of the engine but the pickup tube runs to the rear in the oil pan. So, basically, you need to remove the timing chains, which is basically the entire front of the engine, and the oil pan. The pump is behind the crankshaft timing gear. That's why this all needs done.
Here are the actual directions for the pump. The attached pictures correlate with the directions. I will also add timing chain removal and replacement after this so you have it.
Oil Pump
1. Remove the timing chains.
2. Remove the oil pan.
Pic 1
3. Remove the three bolts and the oil pump screen and pickup tube.
Pic 2
4. Remove the oil pump.
Remove the three bolts.
Remove the oil pump.
1. NOTE: Lubricate the new O-ring seal with clean engine oil.
Clean and inspect the mating surfaces and install a new O-ring seal.
Pic 3
2. Install the oil pump and loosely install the bolts.
Position the oil pump.
Loosely install the bolts.
Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.
Pic 4
3. CAUTION: Make sure the O-ring is in place and not damaged. A missing or damaged O-ring can cause foam in the lubrication system, low oil pressure and severe engine damage.
NOTE: Install a new O-ring and lubricate with clean engine oil.
Position the oil pump screen and pickup tube and install the bolts.
4. Install the timing chains.
5. CAUTION: The oil pump must be primed prior to starting the engine.
Install the oil pan.
Timing chain information. Please remember this is an interference engine and you must have the timing correct when you reinstall the chains or internal damage will occur to the engine.
Timing Drive Components-Romeo Engine (4.6L)
pic 5
Special Tool(s)
pic 6
CAUTION: Since the engine is not free-wheeling, timing procedures must be followed exactly or piston and valve damage can occur.
1. Remove the engine front cover.
Pic 7
2. Remove the crankshaft sensor ring from the crankshaft.
Pic 8
3. Rotate the crankshaft until the timing mark on the RH camshaft sprocket is approximately at the 11 o'clock position and the timing mark on the LH camshaft sprocket is approximately at the 12 o'clock position.
Pic 9
4. Install the special tools on the camshaft.
Pic 10
5. Remove the timing chain tensioning system from both timing chains.
1 Remove the bolts.
Remove the timing chain tensioners.
Remove the timing chain tensioner arms.
Pic 11
6. Remove the timing chains and crankshaft sprocket.
Pic 12
7. Remove the timing chain guides.
1 Remove the bolts.
2 Remove the LH timing chain guide.
3 Remove the bolts.
4 Remove the RH timing chain guide.
pic 13
1. CAUTION: Timing chain procedures must be followed exactly or damage to valves and pistons will result.
Compress the tensioner plunger, using a vise.
Pic 14
2. Install a retaining clip on the tensioner to hold the plunger in during installation.
Pic 15
3. If the copper links are not visible, mark one link on one end and one link on the other end, and use as timing marks.
Pic 16
4. Install the crankshaft sprocket, making sure the flange faces forward.
Pic 17
5. Install the timing chain guide.
1 Position LH timing chain guide.
2 Install and tighten the bolts.
3 Position the RH timing chain guide.
4 Install and tighten the RH bolts.
Pic 18
6. CAUTION: Unless otherwise instructed, do not rotate either the crankshaft or the camshafts, when the timing chains are removed and the cylinder heads are installed. Severe piston and valve damage will occur.
NOTE: The number one cylinder is at Top Dead Center (TDC) when the stud on the engine block fits into the slot in the handle of the special tool.
Using the special tool, position the crankshaft so the number one cylinder is at TDC.
7. Remove the Crankshaft Holding Tool.
Pic 19
8. Position the LH (inner) timing chain on the crankshaft sprocket, aligning the copper (marked) link with the timing mark on the sprocket.
Pic 20
9. Install the LH timing chain on the camshaft sprocket, aligning the copper (marked) link with the timing marks ran the socket.
Pic 21
10. NOTE: The LH timing chain tensioner arm has a bump near the dowel hole for identification.
Position the LH timing chain tensioner arm on the dowel pin and install the LH timing chain tensioner.
Pic 22
11. Remove the retaining clip from the LH timing chain tensioner.
Pic 23
12. Position the RH (outer) timing chain on the crankshaft sprocket, aligning the copper (marked) link with the timing mark on the sprocket.
Pic 24
13. Install the RH timing chain on the camshaft sprocket, aligning the copper (marked) link with the timing marks on the sprocket.
Pic 25
14. Position the RH timing chain tensioner arm on the dowel pin and install the RH timing chain tensioner.
Pic 26
15. Remove the retaining clip from the RH timing chain tensioner.
Pic 27
16. Make sure that the copper (marked) chain links are lined up with the dots on the crankshaft sprockets and the camshaft sprocket.
Pic 28
17. Remove special tools from the camshaft.
Pic 29
18. Install the crankshaft sensor ring on the crankshaft.
19. Install the engine front cover.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you need anything or just have questions.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Wednesday, June 19th, 2019 AT 9:38 PM