So, the lift pump isn't turning on when you cycle the key? You are seeing nothing when you connect the scan tool? What year is the engine and its ECU and what part number is on the ECU? Did it come out of an automatic transmission truck? Asking because the 2003 is a unicorn, only the 2003 ECU works with the 2003 engine. 02 is different than 04. The engines are also different when it comes to the sensor outputs. I'm wondering if the issue isn't simply parts mismatch.
ECM, 5.9L (RH rear engine), California emissions, (ID 56040477AA)
ECM, 5.9L (RH rear engine), Federal emissions, ID 56028740AB
ECM, 5.9L (RH rear engine), Federal emissions, ID 56040476AB
ECM, 5.9L (diesel), (mounted to side of engine), AT
ECM, 5.9L (diesel), (mounted to side of engine), MT
Tuesday, January 31st, 2023 AT 8:10 PM