My truck listed above XLT Extended Cab is sick. She is running good upon startup but after 50 to 100 miles of driving (sometimes quicker, sometimes takes longer to start) she throws the CEL off and on randomly. When this happens, she starts bogging until I press the gas or cruise control does. Then it will either (immediately) kick back in or (hesitates a bit more) before kicking back in and running right. It is constant upon warming up. Only quit when cold again. I have pulled codes and will list them.
I am needing help with location and what to do to test/ preferably delete the problems. Colorado does not require emissions. I have had the cat's removed for many years with no CEL, not even for the missing o2 sensor. Lucky, I guess. This started early to mid-last year.
I have (within the last 4 months) replaced the EGR Sensor, TPS, and IAC. EGR diaphragm is good and functioning/ moving up and down.
632 which I did not know I needed to push OD button. Should I redo test?
Again, thank y'all and await your help, BobbyB
Saturday, March 5th, 2022 AT 4:12 PM