Today when taking it out, after about 10 minutes of driving, there was one hard jolt that seemed to come from the transmission, and shortly after I noticed that the engine was at 3,000 rpm's while only going 45mph. After slowing down and then trying to get back up to speed, I was able to see that it was shifting from 1st to 2nd without issue but was not shifting into third. When getting up to only about 35 or 40mph, the engine was quickly climbing to 3,000. So I turned around to drive back home and just kept my speed to about 35 so that I wouldn't be driving at 3,000 RPMs on surface streets (I never made it to the freeway).
After driving about 10 minutes or so back home and trying to keep RPMs to 2,500, it suddenly shifted into 3rd and was smooth driving for the next few minutes, then when I slowed down at a turn and had to shift back up from 1st gear again, it once again would not shift into 3rd.
I checked the trans fluid, and it was at a normal level, and no leaks evident under the pan, and the fluid looked clean and normal as well.
I have a ThinkDiag scanner, which is able to scan Trans codes and run active tests, etc. It is showing the following codes:
P0932: Line pressure Sensor Circuit
P0869: Line Pressure High
P0868: Line Pressure Low
Analysis of the various codes says to do things like.
-check wiring and connections related to the transmission fluid pressure sensor
-test trans fluid pressure sensor for proper operation
-inspect wiring harness/connections related to the hydraulic pressure sensor. Broken, bent, pushed out, or corroded connector pins
-inspect the wiring harness and connectors related to the Control Solenoid Valve "B" (look for signs of damage, such as broken, bent, pushed out, or corroded pins
-ensure the control solenoid valve "B" harness is not open or shorted. Check for loose or disconnected wires
-verify condition of the Transmission Pressure Sensor "A" (secondary pressure sensor). Ensure that it is functioning properly.
-check the line pressure control system for any problems (including checking fluid level, condition of trans oil filter, and operation of the main regulator valve and transmission oil pump
I also ran active tests on the following, and could hear these solenoids coming on, except for the "over-drive solenoid", which I did not hear engage the way the others did. Not sure if this would point to an issue, but I was thinking that the Over-Drive Gear Solenoid would even engage until 4th or 5th gear, but the truck would not shift into 3rd, so I would think that is not related to the OD gear or OD solenoid.
low-reverse solenoid
2c or 2-4 solenoid
under-drive solenoid
over-drive solenoid (did not feel or hear this one engage)
4c solenoid
multi-select solenoid
I'm hoping you can point me in the right direction of what would make the most sense to look into that would be causing this symptom.
Thank you!
Saturday, December 28th, 2024 AT 5:44 PM