It sounds like you could have an engine vacuum leak. The power brake booster is actuated with engine vacuum. Since it is affected when you use the brake, that is where I would check first.
If you look below, I attached a picture of the brake booster. It is mounted to the firewall under the hood/driver's side. The brake master cylinder is mounted to the front of it.
I highlighted the vacuum hose. Inspect it to make sure there are no leaks or damage to it. Also, with the engine running, have a helper press the brake pedal while you listen for a possible leak around the booster. If there are none, follow the directions in this link to see if you can locate a leak at a different point.
Let me know what you find.
Take care,
See pic below.
Image (Click to make bigger)
Saturday, October 12th, 2024 AT 9:19 PM