Hello, are you setting your meter on DC voltage? It looks like you have the meter on the Amperage scale, if it's set with the dial facing down on the A (Amperage Scale). You need to be on the V voltage scale. You should have 12volts on the red/white wire all the time, key On or Off.
Unplug the Vent valve and check the red/white wire and see if you have 12volts then. On the DC Voltage setting. Not the V that looks to be AC voltage, the one above that, the V set on 60. That should be a 60v DC scale. and recheck for 12volts with the solenoid unplugged.
The reason the ECM is setting this code is probably because it's not seeing 12-volts on the white wire while the solenoid is not activated. When the ECM activates the solenoid the 12volts coming through the solenoid will be pulled to ground and the white wire will read 0 volts.
You would do better here using a test light, that way when you check the power feed coming in the test light will put a small electrical load on the circuit.
If you have 12volts while its unplugged, next set your meter on the Ohms (resistance) setting (3rd picture) and measure across the solenoid pins while it's not plugged in, if you don't get any reading at all then it's an open circuit inside the vent valve and it needs to be replaced.
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Monday, September 11th, 2023 AT 6:43 PM