No keys (lost) and broken ignition how do I disable the vats or pass-key

  • 1995 OLDSMOBILE 98
  • 190,096 MILES
Over the summer I lost the keys to my car. Well my husband thought he could just remove my ignition and shove and screwdriver where the key goes and my car would then start. Well he did not realize the chip in the key would stop all this from my car running. So now that I desperately need my car we have no money to replace the steering column or get a new key and ignition we need to know how to disable or completely remove the vats system or pass-key two to start my car (hot wire) until I can actually get it fixed the correct way. So if there is a way to disable this without the key it would be greatly appreciated to know how. Thank you
Tuesday, February 7th, 2017 AT 6:01 PM

2 Replies

  • 31,937 POSTS
This cannot be done, the computer need to identify the key chip this cannot be short circuited out of the system, if the barrel has been destroyed this will have to be replaced and a key will have to be re coded there is no other option. This is the security system, if it could be by passed it would not be much of a deterrent to thieves.
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Wednesday, February 8th, 2017 AT 4:17 AM
  • 13,916 POSTS
As MHPAUTOS said you cannot just bypass the system.

If the lock cylinder is the only part he removed and the rest of the parts are there it is a simple job to replace those parts, then a dealer or locksmith will need to see proof of ownership (title, bill of sale in your name or similar) and a photo ID to make the key though.

If the column itself has been damaged you may want to hunt up a used one and install it before you do the above. Shop labor is expensive.

Be prepared to answer extra questions, a car with a torn out key cylinder is going to raise major red flags.
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Wednesday, February 8th, 2017 AT 4:38 AM

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