If you have a charged battery and nothing works, it is either one of the main grounds or no power is getting to the power distribution box under the hood. I attached 3 pics below. The first shows the main grounds and the second and third show the power in to the fuse box. First, confirm there is power to the box. If you note in the pic, nearly everything is a fusible link, so it won't be a traditional fuse. I added pic 3 just to indicate the box's location.
Once you have confirmed power in, start checking for power to fuses and relays to confirm there is power.
Also, I would check continuity to ground. Make sure nothing is internally damaged as far as wiring. I have seen the wires break internally under the insulation and appear good, but in reality, they were bad.
Here are a few links you may find helpful:
Let me know what you find.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Saturday, February 22nd, 2020 AT 4:38 PM