I popped the hood to investigate and find that the belts are fine and fluid levels are at appropriate levels. Everything looks as it should in the engine compartment as well as under the vehicle. I then grab my OBD2 scanner from the glove box and attempt to run a scan. All scanner keeps telling me is "Error" after numerous attempts to connect. I visually inspect all fuses both in the interior fuse box as well as in the engine compartment. All fuses are good. Contact AAA and have the truck towed home.
The following are what I have done to diagnose the problem:
Checked voltage at the battery using multi-meter, initially it showed 12.02 volts, so just to be safe I charged it and retested at 12.85.
Performed voltage drop test to ensure no drop between battery posts and terminal connectors, none found.
Double checked all fuses for continuity using multi-meter.
Bench tested starter relay along with swapping with another relay to ensure no issues.
Checked voltage and ground for starter relay at the fuse block.
Starter motor functions when I jumper between pins 30 and 87.
Disconnected negative battery terminal, turned headlights on as well as jumped between connected positive terminal and disconnected negative cable to drain any residual power lingering in capacitors of the PCM in order to reset computer.
Since OBD2 scanner would not connect I proceeded to go to each sensor one by one and disconnect electrical connection and then attempted to rescan. Still get "Error" when I run scan.
Pulled both the camshaft position sensor and the crankshaft position sensors out and checked wires.
Disconnected PCM and removed to inspect. Does not smell burnt and all pins are straight and free of any rust or corrosion. Opened it up and inspected the circuit board which was free of rust or corrosion as well. Circuit board looks fine based on simple visual inspection.
Vehicle is equipped with a passive anti-theft system (pats), With the key out of the ignition I get steady "Theft" light flashing. With the key inserted and turned to auxiliary the light goes out after a couple seconds.
When this first happened on Wednesday night my initial thought was possible camshaft or crankshaft position sensor or more than likely the PCM went out. The vehicle gave no indication of any problem prior to it shutting off. No loud noise or peculiar smells, no hesitation or erratic revs.
The check engine light had been on prior for a P0403 EGR issue and last month I had replaced the EGR valve, the EGR valve pressure sensor as well as the EGR vacuum solenoid. Was still giving me the P0403 code so my next step was to replace the catalytic converter, just hadn't gotten around to it yet. Up to this point I had not ever had any issue starting the vehicle nor had it ever died on me, let alone died while driving.
I would like to test the power connection as well as the ground to the PCM but am having a difficult time locating a wiring diagram for this year and model.
At this point I suspect the PCM is out. Is there any way to have a PCM tested out of the vehicle? Can a Ford dealer test them? Or am I missing something else that could be the problem? Does anyone have a PCM wiring diagram for the vehicle listed above XLT (3.0L V6) by chance?
I greatly appreciate any and all help given to help me resolve this issue. Thank you in advance. :)
Saturday, April 29th, 2023 AT 1:32 PM